C (187/254)

From:Bart King
Date:13 Apr 00 at 11:13:38
Subject:Re: StormC3.0 Ed slooow

Joris Kempen <Trekker@studenten.net> wrote:

> I just installed StormC 3.0, but the first thing that i notice is that the
> Editor is horrible slow, (i got it from the DevCD 2.1)

Yep, it is dead slow. For reasons I am unaware... I just use CygnusEd to
edit source and push F8 in StormC to compile. Sure, don't get syntax
coloring, but never mind.

Any ARexx dudes out there that can make CED talk to StormC? I'd love to
bind Make, Run and Debug to F8-F10 in CED, but I know jack shit about ARexx

> Secondly i want to ask how to get that all my .c files have all syntax
> coloring. I looked in the env:

Change the settings in StormC, then use Save As Default Template in the
Project menu.

But due to a bug (?) in StormC, it only writes to ENV: and not ENVARC: so
you have to copy the icons from ENV:STORMCPP to ENVARC: yourself.

> I really hate that you can't set any global settings for your editor and the
> projectmanager..

You can. Just follow instructions above - took me a while to figure it
out several months ago.

Bart King
http://www.bartman.demon.co.uk (half done)
ICQ: 18178781 - IRC: bart (ArcNET)

Win $1000 this Friday!